Company Law Solicitors
Adding value to your business over the corporate life cycle
Here at Hart Brown Solicitors, we understand it can be difficult to keep up to date with company and commercial legislation and how it affects your business. Our company law solicitors regularly provide their expert guidance on new legislation. We have a wealth of experience in advising businesses on legal processes and procedures from an operational, management and equitable perspective.
As part of our company law guidance process, we have particular expertise in advising on good governance of businesses. In unlisted enterprises this is not about the relationship between the board and external shareholders, but more about establishing a framework of processes and attitudes that add value to the business. Our company law solicitors use their expert knowledge to ensure the long-term continuity and success of your business, helping build a strong reputation.
We seek to provide each business with an effective governance framework which defines roles, responsibilities and an agreed distribution of power between the shareholders, the board, management and stakeholders. The intention is to provide a framework for owners, partners, founders and investors as they plan the development of their business over the corporate life cycle.
Our corporate governance solicitors regularly provide advice on the following:
- Articles of Association
- Board constitution
- Classes of shares and rights
- Directors’ duties and appointment
- Directors’ conflicts of interest
- Minority interests
- Resolutions and Meetings
- Share purchase out of profits or capital (Share Buy Back)
- Share option schemes
- Takeovers
For advice on governance from a specialist company law solicitor, call us today on 01483 887766 . Alternatively, please email or start a live chat.