Our Client Care and Quality Policy
Our Client Care and Quality Policy
Client Service Charter:
1.1 Introduction
We are committed to delivering a service which will be seen by our clients at all times as being of a high standard. Our objective is to maintain our reputation of offering a high quality service in all matters and everything the firm does.
1.2 Our Client Service Charter
1.2.a Listening
- We are committed to listening, understanding and helping achieve goals; and
- We will ask what each client thinks about our service including using a client satisfaction survey.
1.2.b Communication
- We will avoid jargon and use Plain English;
- We will communicate in the way the client prefers;
- We will say at the outset how long we expect things to take and update that regularly;
- We will respond or acknowledge receipt of all communications promptly, and wherever possible within one working day; and
- If the issue is more urgent or we are told a response is needed by a particular deadline, we will endeavour to meet these requirements.
1.2.c Looking after our clients
- Each client is valued and important;
- We will say who will be working with each client and give direct contact details;
- We will say how to contact us out of hours, if necessary;
- We are committed to excellent service that takes clients’ needs into account; and
- We will be understanding, straight-forward and professional, including being friendly and approachable.
1.2.d Fees
- We will be open and transparent about our fees, providing fixed fees where possible;
- Where not possible, we will give the best information we can on the likely total cost of each matter at the outset;
- Should anything change, we will contact the client before we incur any additional costs; and
- Any bill we send will be clear, describing the work done and amount charged.
1.2.e Our people
- Our firm is committed to ensuring that our clients are central to everything we do;
- We will ensure our people are properly resourced and have the appropriate training;
- We will take into account the needs, expectations and budget of the client when assigning the right person to a matter;
- We are committed to providing a positive working environment;
- Our firm is regularly audited to ensure we maintain the high standards required to maintain the quality marks we hold; and
- We will check we are providing excellent service by mystery shopping and asking our clients what they think.
1.2.f To provide an excellent service, we need our clients to
- Tell us what their objectives are and be clear about their expectations;
- Respond as soon as possible to any requests for information or documents;
- Let us know straight away if anything changes;
- Work with us to set and achieve realistic timescales;
- Appreciate we have to follow a strict professional code of conduct;
- Help us to keep working for them by paying our invoices on time; and
- Let us know if we are not providing the service they expect.
1.2.g If things go wrong
- In the unlikely event of things going wrong, or a client being less than happy with our service, we need to be told immediately – we welcome feedback as it helps us provide a better service; and
- If we cannot resolve the problem, we will say who to contact with any concerns.
2. Vulnerable clients
We will try to establish early on if a potential client is vulnerable having regard to mental capacity or age, disability, incapacity or duress.
We will take into account any vulnerability so we can ensure that appropriate adjustments are made by us when communicating with the client and otherwise. This might include arrangements for meeting the client at their home or at their nearest Hart Brown office.
3. Initial contact with our clients
However a client relationship begins, whether by telephone call, our website, by visiting our offices or by personal introduction, the client should expect:
- A personal and individually tailored welcome from our friendly and efficient front of house team who will connect the client promptly to a named legal expert who will take ownership of their enquiry, and take time to establish and understand the client’s needs;
- To be addressed in a courteous, business-like way and referred to by name;
- To be treated fairly and to have their confidentiality respected at all times;
- To be assured that we will not take on a client without ensuring we have the necessary resources and competence to deal with the matter; and
- When visiting any of our offices in person, each client should be made to feel welcome, valued and comfortable.
Anyone contacting Hart Brown by telephone should expect to speak with staff who are ready and willing to receive them and who will:
- Establish the client’s needs, take details and pass this information to the intended recipient ensuring there is someone available to receive the caller and the caller knows who that person is;
- Assist in getting the caller through to the most appropriate person as quickly and professionally as possible; and
- Enquire how the client heard about Hart Brown.
4. Meetings and conversations
From the outset our clients will know who they will be working with, how long the process is likely to take and what the next steps will be.
Clients may be instructing us during a time of immense pressure in their lives. They need to feel at ease and know they will receive the best service.
Our staff will try to ensure clients:
- Understand the benefits of instructing Hart Brown;
- Know who will be dealing with their matter at all times. This includes being notified when their main contact is away from the office for any reason and being advised who will be monitoring e-mails and calls in their absence. This will be reflected in up to date e-mail signatures and letters which display the job title of the person they are corresponding with; and
- Are clear about where any meeting is taking place (at which office) and at what time.
All clients should expect:
- To be kept informed of the progress of their matter;
- To receive accurate estimates and to be kept informed of any changes;
- To feel at ease throughout their experience with Hart Brown; and
- To receive such an excellent service they would recommend us to others.
5. Our documents
Our aim is to make our communications as straightforward, clear and concise as possible and in particular:-
- All documents we prepare during the course of a matter should look professional and reflect our brand. These will display our logos, reference information and page numbers;
- To receive regular communication whilst not being overwhelmed with
6. Our service
A clients’ perception of the level of service they are receiving is as important (if not more so) than the actual service level provided. With good and timely communication, a client should never be taken by surprise or disappointed by the work, timeframe or costs.
Our staff should ensure:
- They always manage a client’s expectations;
- They always communicate with the client when they say they will and keep the client updated regularly even when there has been no progress;
- They respond promptly and as fully as possible to all telephone calls and other communications;
- They are proactive at pre-empting requests for updates. It may be appropriate to agree with the client in advance the frequency of such updates;
- Clients are informed immediately if costs are likely to exceed the estimate given and, in long running matters (at least every 6 months) give the client an update as to how costs are accruing;
- Where input is needed from another department, the client is properly introduced to the relevant staff within that department. An estimate of costs for the work to be done by that other department should be given at the earliest opportunity;
- the client is told in advance of any planned absences and what will happen with the client’s matter in their absence;
- When a colleague has an unplanned absence, another member of staff will monitor their messages and check their diary to ensure clients are informed that there will be a delay; and
- They progress each matter as efficiently as possible – within the bounds of the client’s instructions.
7. Closing and aftercare
We will try to identify any other associated legal needs that each client may have. With a client’s permission, we will pass this information to other colleagues who might be able to help the client and follow up to ensure the need has been met.
We value the opinion of our clients and look for feedback on how to improve. We will ask each client what they think about our service and will let clients know what we intend to do with this information. We will also ask our clients if they would like to receive future updates from the firm, invitations to our events and legal updates, and will record this information clearly.
8. Our quality management systems
We are committed to the continuous improvement of our quality management systems. Our quality manuals are our practice guide and staff handbook which are designed to meet the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 and the LawNet Quality Standard, Lexcel, the Legal Aid Agency Quality Mark, the Core Practice Management Standard (CPMS) of the Conveyancing Quality Scheme (CQS) and the SRA Codes.
The Executive Board is responsible for our quality management systems and this policy.
Our quality team, led by the quality partner, has the delegated authority and responsibility to maintain the necessary quality assurance of the firm and recognise and resolve any issues.
The quality partner will review this policy annually to ensure its continuing suitability. After each review, a copy will be circulated to all members of the firm whether or not there have been changes so that the policy is communicated and understood by everyone in the firm.
Our quality objectives
- To remain accredited under the ISO and Lexcel Quality Standards to ensure we are delivering our quality legal service;
- To improve speed of response to our clients;
- To improve communication with our clients; and
- To build better relationships with our clients.
To achieve our quality objectives, we will have the necessary resources in the firm, focus constantly on the areas of speed of response, communication and building a relationship with our clients, keep up to date with legal and other changes, and arrange appropriate training throughout the firm to ensure client care is our main focus.
Additional protection for our clients
We have separate policies in our practice guide to ensure:
- Appropriate adjustments are made for vulnerable adults;
- Client confidentiality is protected;
- When we refer our clients to a third party such as another lawyer, accountant or financial provider, we always retain our independence and act in the best interests of the client; and
- Complaints are dealt with promptly, fairly and free of charge, and in accordance with our Complaints Policy.