Transfer of Undertakings and Redundancy
Clear advice when faced with TUPE
If your employer sells or transfers the business to another company there are many issues to consider. What happens to you if the new business wants to change the basis upon which you are employed?
The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations (TUPE) safeguards your rights when a business is transferred or sold. However, it is not always obvious when TUPE applies. For example, the outsourcing of work previously done in-house can be caught by TUPE.
At Hart Brown our dedicated team of specialist employment lawyers are highly experienced at advising clients in a wide range of businesses and industries who have been affected by TUPE, including improper attempts to change any terms of employment and automatic unfair dismissals. This is a highly technical area and it is crucial that you receive expert advice.
To speak to one of our employment law specialists who can advise you on issues relating to transfer of undertakings or any other employment law issue, call 01483 887766, email us or start a live chat.