Why you need to get proper legal advice.

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In a world where so much information is available freely online, do you still need the advice of a lawyer? A simple Google search of your legal problems can provide thousands of relevant articles, and perhaps a friend has shared information on social media that seems like the answer you are looking for. However, we would always recommend seeking proper legal advice – it could even save you thousands in the long run.

In this article we look at an example of ‘internet legal advice gone wrong’ and explain why it is in your best interests to seek the advice of a qualified lawyer.

A cautionary tale…

In a recent case, a hairdresser relied on the Magna Carta – an 800-year-old agreement between a King and disgruntled barons – to keep trading throughout lockdown measures. The salon owner racked up £27,000 in coronavirus fines and was forced to close by the council.

The hairdresser attempted to keep her salon open during national lockdown rules by quoting the Magna Carta, posting a series of videos on Instagram explaining her reasoning. She argued with council officials claiming that she did not ‘consent’ to being fined citing ‘common law’.

The hairdresser posted a notice on the salon door quoting Clause 61 (general defence of liberty) from the Magna Carta. Ahead of the latest national lockdown, some other business owners having seen the hairdresser’s actions, have done the same. However, Clause 61 is not still in force and cannot be relied upon as a defence to breaching lockdown measures, putting these businesses at risk of significant fines.

This case demonstrates the danger of relying on legal information shared on social media.  

Why you should get legal advice:

We would always recommend seeking the advice of an experienced, professional solicitor on matters that affect you. It is the role of your solicitor to protect your rights and to help you understand the law and legal processes. Many people worry that speaking to a solicitor will make them ‘look guilty’ or put them in a weaker position. However, getting legal advice is essential, and there is no inference of guilt simply because you have spoken to a lawyer.

The case of the hairdresser and Magna Carta is a good example of how although legal information is available, you still require the skill and understanding of a lawyer to apply the relevant law to your specific situation.

To speak to one of our lawyers about a legal issue you might be facing, don’t hesitate to call us on 01483 887766, email info@hartbrown.co.uk or start a live chat today.


Elizabeth Larkin

Head of Marketing

Elizabeth is the holder of a honours degree in History from The University of London and after attending the University of Law Elizabeth gained an...

Elizabeth Larkin- Marketing Manager

Head of Marketing

Elizabeth Larkin

Elizabeth is the holder of a honours degree in History from The University of London and after attending the University of Law Elizabeth gained an honours degree in Law, a Graduate Diploma in Law and completion of the Legal Practice Course.

Elizabeth is a business development and marketing professional with more than 14 years’ experience spanning the legal services industry, luxury retail market and charity sector. Throughout her career, Elizabeth has specialised in legal business development, premium sales, business management, brand development and marketing within legal practice, large corporations, charities and SMEs.

As the Head of Marketing at Hart Brown Solicitors, Elizabeth is responsible for helping ensure the continued long-standing reputation of the firm as the law practice of choice among many individuals and businesses throughout Surrey and beyond.

Elizabeth is always keen to hear from external advertising and digital service providers that can strengthen our marketing and brand development efforts, or local organisations that we can work alongside and support.