Snail farm scam landlord forced back into their shell
A commercial landlord’s tax avoidance plans have slithered to a slow crawl after their attempt to secure a business rates exemption through a sham ‘snail...
A commercial landlord’s tax avoidance plans have slithered to a slow crawl after their attempt to secure a business rates exemption through a sham ‘snail...
In light of the current housing crisis, and the high interest rates of high street lenders, more and more young people are turning to the...
The public have a right to roam much of the great outdoors in England. Open access land includes areas like downland, heathland, and mountains where...
Whether you need to do anything if you decide to change the use of a premises depends on two main factors. The first is the...
A green lease is one which encourages or requires parties to consider the environmental impact of the use of a building. A wide range of...
A break clause in a commercial lease allows a tenant (and in limited circumstances a landlord) to bring the lease to an early end. Often...
As a commercial landlord, it can often feel like you're navigating a maze of obligations and responsibilities. From ensuring the safety of the premises to...
As a landlord in the UK, dealing with commercial tenants can be a complex and challenging task. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview...
Roughly every 6 weeks, there is baited breath as another interest rate announcement is made by the Bank of England. As with residential mortgages, the...
As the world grapples with the challenges of increasing prices for energy and climate change, the importance of sustainable energy practices has never been more...